Entries by CCTC


A WEIGHTY SUBJECT By Lisa Gregory One of the most sensitive and controversial subject being talked about in the equestrian world at the moment is rider weight and its possible damaging effect on horses.  Without doubt people have got bigger over the years and as the owner of a busy equestrian centre this weighty issue […]

Seasons on The Chase

SEASONS ON THE CHASE by Lisa Gregory Here at the trekking centre we are so lucky to have the glorious open countryside of Cannock Chase literally as our back garden. Go through our gate and you will find yourself in thousands of acres of perfect riding country, with just the occasional road to cross. The […]

Herd Life – Part Two

HERD LIFE – PART TWO One of the more unusual aspects of our happy herd is the number of family relationships we have. It adds an extra dimension to the enjoyment of watching them out in the field. I love to see the whole herd interacting and at play and it is extra special when, […]

Herd Life – Part One

HERD LIFE – Part one As I drive around the countryside and see horses living a solitary life in paddocks I feel a little sad that they have to be separated so they have less interaction with their own species. I realise that some owners have no choice and are doing their very best to […]

Training Nymeria – Part Two

TRAINING NYMERIA by Celia Holmes Like most horse addicts I have always longed to be a much better rider than I am. In my dreams I was always a sort of cross between Monty Roberts and Charlotte Dujardin, so both a horse whisperer and  an expert in the saddle. But reality was a very different […]

Training Nymeria – Part One

TRAINING NYMERIA – part one By Lisa Gregory Everyone knows that I train all the young horses here at the trekking centre myself, and people often ask me how long the training process takes. My honest answer has to be “I haven’t got a clue!” Because when I start working with an unbroken youngster I […]


DOWN MEMORY LANE I can’t believe we are already into 2019 and in June it will be 24 years since I achieved my dream and opened my own trekking centre. It has been a long and interesting journey, with many ups and downs along the road, and one person has been with me every step […]


OUR SUPER SEVEN EVENTS While there is always lots going on here at the trekking centre I am always delighted to be able to offer special events. And this summer we will have plenty to look forward to, thanks to our programme of seven super dates. PUB RIDES have always been hugely popular events but […]


A FUN-PACKED PROGRAMME After such an exciting 2018 I have decided we need to go one better as we head into a new year, so I am expanding our programme of adult activities. We have lots of fun going on for children, so the grown-ups deserve their excitement too! There will be brilliant treks as […]


CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES It’s a new year and I have loads of new activities planned to take place here at the trekking centre. Obviously the centre is growing and I am always thinking of fun ways for our young riders to learn and to interact with our lovely ponies and I have introduced a whole children’s […]